Returns and Refund

Returns and Refunds

At DexLabels, we want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your order, we offer a hassle-free return and refund policy.

How many days do I have to return my item?

You can return any color label printer or printer accessories ordered within 30 days of delivery. Unopened Inkjet Label Rolls can be returned within 30 days of delivery. The 30-day window starts on the day you effectively receive the item at your delivery location. Please note that a 15% restocking fee is subject to these products.

To notify us of your return, please contact our customer support team through phone or email. Once we are informed of your intent to return your order, you will have 14 days to send us back the item from the date of your return notification to us.

Do I need to cover the return shipping cost?

For all orders, you will have to cover the price of the return.

What type of refund can I expect?

If you return your order within the 30-day window aforementioned, we will refund you by your payment method. We will proceed with the refund within 14 days of receiving your cancellation request. Please note that we might delay the refund if we haven’t received the item within that time window or we don’t receive evidence that the item was returned.

How much will the refund be?

The refund will cover your order amount, including the shipping cost, unless you have chosen a non-standard delivery method such as expedite or express shipping. We may not refund the shipping cost for orders that are partially returned.

Do I need to provide a reason for the return?

No, you do not need to provide any reason for the return. However, we would appreciate any feedback you can give us to improve our products and services.

For any questions regarding our return policy, please reach out to our customer service team through email. Thank you for choosing DexLabels for your labeling needs.

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